Last August, my Sister In Laws Amy and Katie started a preschool called Busy Bee Preschool. Luke attended their 3yr old class and learned so much. He learned how to write his first and last name, how to write all the letters and numbers, letter names and sounds, and always brought home little projects he made himself which I loved to see his
interpretation of certain things. It was so cute to hear him singing or humming different songs he had learned. He had a blast last year and I was just blown away by some of the things he was learning. Luke is so excited for this school year to start. He loves that he gets to be in class with his cousin Tyler and feels so comfortable with his two Aunts teaching him. Who knows how he'll be when he starts
kindergarten with people he
doesn't know.
I'm sure he'll be fine but Katie and Amy are just such great teachers. We are both looking forward to another wonderful year.
Some of Luke's work

These are just a few of the things that I saved throughout the year.
If you would like to know more about Busy Bee Preschool you can check their blog at http://www.thebusybeespreschool.blogspot.com/